
Infinity Power is the largest African pure play renewable energy provider, operating a portfolio totaling 1.3GW. This includes some of the world’s most exciting renewable energy projects, focusing on solar and onshore wind technologies and generating energy across Egypt, South Africa and Senegal. The company also has 13.8 GW of projects in the pipeline, including battery storage and green hydrogen facilities.

Solar Projects
Infinity Benban Park Solar Energy
64.3 MWp
Phoenix 50
64.1 MWp
Infinity 50
64.1 MWp
38.3 MWp
Infinity Power COP27 Solar Plant
6 MWp
Saint Gobain PV Plant
4.05 MWp
Infinity 3
3.8 MWp
Infinity 1
1.2 MWp
Infinity Benban Park Solar Energy
64.3 MWp
Infinity Benban Park Solar Energy
64.3 MWp
Wind Projects
West Bakr Wind Farm
252 MW
Taiba N’Diaye Wind Farm
158.7 MW
South Africa
Khobab Wind Farm
143.1 MW
Loeriesfontein 2 Wind Farm
143.1 MW
Kangnas Wind Farm
143.1 MW
Perdekraal Wind Farm
112.6 MW
Noupoort Wind Farm
82.1 MW
Solar Projects
South Africa
  • Bulskop PV Cluster 720 MW
  • Khunab PV Cluster 700 MW
  • Houthaalboomen PV Cluster 300 MW

Green hydrogen projects
  • Consortium Partners: Infinity Power, Masdar and Hassan Allam Utilities. Project Size: 2 GW
  • Consortium Partners: Infinity Power and Conjuncta GmbH Project Size: 10 GW (Phase1: 400 MW by 2030)
Wind projects
  • 10 GW Onshore Wind Farm (10 GW), Consortium Partners: Infinity Power, Masdar, Hassan Allam Utilities
  • Ras Ghareb Onshore Wind Farm (200 MW), Consortium Partners: Infinity Power, Masdar
South Africa
  • Cradock Wind Energy Facility 720 MW
  • Ayitepa Wind Farm 225 MW
  • Taiba N’Diaye Expansion 100 MW
  • Taiba N’Diaye Battery Storage 40 MW
+ 3 mln
tons of CO2 emissions reduced annually.
local initiatives supported across 7 communities.
+ 80,000
community beneficiaries, emphasizing inclusivity with 52% females.
of our operational workforce is employed from communities near our projects.
lost time incidents per 200,000 hours worked (health and safety lost time incident frequency rate)

At IPH, the Board of Directors, Specialist Committees, Executive Management and Co Shareholder Representatives aim to promote a unified, highly motivated, and skilled team focused on performance excellence. We place priority on shared responsibility, accountability, and capturing opportunities.

The Board of Directors, supported by the Specialist Committees set the overall strategy, evaluates performance, and approves major investment decisions. They are responsible for IPH’s strategic direction, oversight, and corporate governance, to ensure the business delivers on the vision and mission. Leading the Board is our Chairman, Mohamed Ismail Mansour.

Our Executive Management, also referred to as Senior Management, is responsible for overseeing and implementing overall strategy and business development activities, managing performance, as well as supervising day to day operations. Each member of the Senior Management team holds distinct responsibilities and reports directly to our Chief Executive Officer, Nayer Fouad.

Our Governance Structure is available here.

Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct

Our Code of Conduct (the Code) is the essential guide that defines what we stand for and how we work. It is designed to ensure that we uphold the highest ethical standards in all aspects of our work, reflecting the fundamental values of the IPH Group that everyone is expected to embrace.

All employees are required to read, understand and adhere to the Code. Additionally, they receive training through our Toolkit, which covers essential topics such as anti-bribery and corruption, gifts and hospitality, anti-money laundering and counterparty screening process.

We investigate breaches of the Policies in our Ethics Toolkit and conduct disciplinary actions where necessary.

Our Code of Conduct is available here.

Anti bribery and corruption
Anti-Bribery and Corruption

At the IPH Group, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of honesty and ethics in our business, ensuring strict compliance with relevant laws and regulations. We have zero tolerance for bribery and corruption. We would not commit or engage in illegal conduct or conduct business with entities or individuals we believe to be engaged in illegal conduct or which may have a negative impact on our reputation or regulatory relationships.

Our Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy for Counterparties can be found here.

African renewable energy provider.
1.3 GW
operational portfolio in Egypt, South Africa, and Senegal.
10 GW
of operational renewable energy projects targeted for 2030.
+ 3 mln
tons of CO2 emissions reduced annually.
local initiatives supported across 7 communities.
+ $3 mln
invested in community initiatives.
Anti money Laundering
Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing

IPH Group does not engage in providing financial services and complies to the fullest extent applicable, with relevant anti-money laundering and terrorist financing laws and accepted best practice. All employees, irrespective of jurisdiction must comply with the requirements of the applicable legislation. In jurisdictions where there is less stringent legislation than in the UK, the requirements of the legislation applicable in the UK shall be the applicable standard.

Our Anti-Money Laundering Policy for Counterparties can be found here.

Counterparty Screening
Counterparty Screening

Infinity Power does business in a transparent, ethical, and law-abiding way. We expect any third party we do business with to have the same high standards, including (but not limited to) compliance with applicable anti-bribery and corruption (ABAC), anti-money laundering, anti-tax evasion and modern slavery prevention laws and regulations. We also require our third-parties to contractually comply with our policies in this regard.

Knowledge and understanding of our customers, suppliers, business partners and other third parties we deal with is key to helping us manage financial crime and ethical risk.

IPH Group requires a counterparty screening process to be conducted thoroughly when contemplating entering into any form of business relationship with a counterparty, whether it is an agreement, a contract, a transaction, or any other business relationship.

As part of the screening process, we would require certain documentation to be provided which would include information about your business and we appreciate your cooperation in receipt of these documents.

Speak Up
Speak Up

Infinity Power is committed to maintaining the highest standards of honesty, openness, and accountability, and will therefore treat malpractice very seriously at any level in the organization or by third parties. Infinity Power encourages a culture of openness and accountability in order to prevent situations of breach or unethical conduct and is committed to protecting those brininging to light such non-compliance with regulation, or illegal and unethical conduct of its workers.

Therefore, employees are encouraged to raise concerns or report suspected wrongdoing as soon as possible via any of our Speak Up channels. Reports can be made, or concerns raised through the line manager, the Chief Legal Officer, the Chief People Officer or via our external, fully confidential, and anonymous hotline and weblink facility, NAVEX.

We do not tolerate any form of retaliation against any individual who raises a concern in good faith.

Our Speak Up Policy for Counterparties can be found here.