Page 6 - Infinity Power Report
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Infinity Power     2023 Sustainability Report                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     6

                 Global context                                                                                                   The world is changing rapidly, and our operating

                                                                                                                                  context brings a range of challenges and

                 and megatrends                                                                                                   opportunities to our business. Here are the

                                                                                                                                  megatrends most relevant to our operations and

                                                                                                                                  how we are responding to these issues.

                    Limited access to energy                                    Lack of climate                                            Climate change                                              Socio-economic                                              Cyber security                                             Bribery and

                    Access to electricity in Africa is                          investment                                                 The intensity and frequency                                 and political risks                                         and resilience                                             corruption risks

                    the lowest of any continent, with                           Achieving Africa’s climate and                             of extreme weather events is                                We operate across a region where                            The pace of digital transformation                         While many African governments

                    around 600 million people - half                            energy transition and delivering                           increasing around the world due to                          national or local political regimes                         brings with it increasing cyber                            are working hard to prevent

                    its population – lacking access.                            the UN Global Goals will require                           the climate crisis, with increasing                         can at times be unpredictable                               security risks. Power generation                           corruption, it continues to be a

                    Where there is a supply, it is often                        more than $190bn investment                                unpredictability of rainfall and                            and unstable, along with weak                               facilities rely heavily on digital                         pervasive challenge in areas of the

                    unreliable and heavily dependent                            per year between 2026 and 2030,                            average temperatures rising.                                governance and regulations. There                           systems for smart energy                                   continent. Corruption can increase

                    on fossil fuels and can be affected                         with two thirds of that needed                             Although African countries are                              are also complex socio-economic                             management and the direct                                  socio-economic and political risks,

                    by supply chain disruption such as                          for clean energy alone. Yet only                           responsible for just 2% of global                           factors that can bring risks of                             connection to regional and national                        undermine economic development,
                    the Covid-19 pandemic and wider                             2% of clean energy investments                             carbon emissions, they are                                  unstable pricing, supply chain                              grids makes cyber-attacks an                               and negatively impact investment.

                    geopolitical instability. There is also                     are currently flowing into Africa,                         disproportionately affected by the                          crises and cost of living challenges,                       increasingly prevalent threat for all
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              > We’re monitoring bribery and
                    low grid capacity, and the ageing                           limiting the opportunity for                               adverse impacts of climate change.                          among other risks.                                          utility-scale renewable providers.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              corruption risks and building
                    energy infrastructure is unable to                          a fast and fair transition.
                                                                                                                                           > We’re reducing emissions and                              > We’re operating to high ethical                           > We’re managing cyber risks and                           relationships with partners that
                    meet demand.
                                                                                > We’re working to create a just and                       investing in climate resilience and                         standards and creating a culture                            increasing infrastructure resilience                       uphold our high ethical standards
                    > We’re increasing access to clean                          fair climate and energy transition                         nature protection projects                                  of integrity

                    and reliable energy across Africa
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