Page 14 - Infinity Power Report
P. 14

Infinity Power     2023 Sustainability Report                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    14

                 Creating a positive                                                     At our Benban Solar Energy Park in Egypt, the

                                                                                         security staff raised an issue about water
                 working environment
                                                                                         availability which was immediately resolved.
                 Our goal is to provide a safe and supportive
                                                                                         There were zero serious worker grievances
                 environment where everyone is treated with
                                                                                         in 2023.
                 respect and dignity. We recognise the risks

                 inherent in operating in regions where political

                 stability and regulations can be weak, and we have
                                                                                         OUR PERFORMANCE                                           2023
                 strong labour management policies to protect
                                                                                         Serious worker grievances                                      0
                 the rights of everyone involved in our business.

                 Our labour policies are aligned with international
                                                                                         Minor worker grievances                                       11
                 standards (see page 35). We respect the right of

                 every employee to unionise or organise collective
                                                                                         Minor worker grievances                                   100%
                 bargaining without fear of reprisal or penalty.                         resolved within 30 days

                 We listen closely to our staff and contractors

                 and encourage them to raise any issues. Our

                 workforce grievance mechanisms allow staff to

                 report concerns securely and confidentially, and

                 we have an independent Speak Up whistleblowing

                 line that anyone inside or outside of our business

                 can contact.

                 In 2023 we responded to and resolved 11 minor

                 worker grievances. For instance, security staff

                 at our Taiba N’Diaye plant in Senegal requested

                 additional uniform during rainy season which we

                 resolved by providing rain jackets to improve their

                 working conditions.
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