Page 17 - Infinity Power Report
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Infinity Power     2023 Sustainability Report                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    1217                                                12

                 Adapting to climate change                                              Investing in community climate                                         Climate resilience and nature-related projects

                                                                                                                                                                in 2023 included:
                 Africa is particularly vulnerable to the effects                        action and resilience
                                                                                                                                                                •  Investing in solar-powered boreholes that
                 of climate change, with many regions exposed                            Negative climate impacts are being felt by
                                                                                                                                                                    provide water security and enable farmers to
                 to water scarcity and changing weather                                  communities across Africa at a scale and pace
                                                                                                                                                                    increase crop yields and income in villages
                 patterns, as well as entrenched socio-economic                          not seen before. While our low carbon power
                                                                                                                                                                    surrounding our Taiba N’Diaye wind farm in
                 challenges that limit the continent’s capacity                          projects directly help communities become
                                                                                                                                                                    Senegal. These communities have experienced
                 to adapt. The climate crisis is already being felt                      more resilient to climate change by diversifying
                                                                                                                                                                    reduced rainfall due to climate change.
                 disproportionately in Africa with 2023 bringing                         the energy mix and adding new reliable and

                 catastrophic drought in East Africa, significant                        renewable capacity, we want to do more.                                •  Replacing farmers’ diesel-powered irrigation

                 flooding in West and Central Africa, and a cyclone                                                                                                 systems with solar-powered water pumps.
                 in southern Africa.                                                     Beyond our day-to-day operations, we’re directly
                                                                                                                                                                •  Tree-planting across the wider project area
                                                                                         investing in projects to reduce greenhouse
                                                                                                                                                                    of our Taiba N’Diaye project.
                 As we operate and plan renewable energy                                 gas emissions, preserve nature and biodiversity,
                                                                                                                                                                •  Operating an off-grid renewable power
                 projects in this changing climate, our projects                         and improve communities’ resilience to
                                                                                                                                                                    system to assist the supply of municipal water
                 must be sustainable over the long term. We                              climate change.
                                                                                                                                                                    to 22,000 people. This reduced costs by 25%
                 assess climate risks and conduct site-level

                 research to understand and mitigate potential                           We believe direct investments in nature-                                   and outages caused by power cuts by 40%.
                 future impacts. Our plants are planned in                               based solutions and carbon reduction projects

                 suitable locations and designed to operate in                           close to our operations is the most effective

                 higher temperatures and more extreme weather                            way to mitigate emissions and support local

                 conditions. For instance, the wind turbines                             communities. Our approach focuses on creating

                 at our West Bakr site in Egypt are fitted with                          the most direct local benefits, and tailoring these

                 additional filters and technology to withstand high                     to the community’s needs. We use a climate

                 temperatures. We also carefully consider climate                        resiliency framework to assess potential projects

                 resilience and adaptation in our community                              and ensure our investments consider local

                 investment projects.                                                    communities’ specific risks and vulnerabilities in

                                                                                         a changing climate. Our community investment

                                                                                         managers ensure the projects we fund will

                                                                                         support communities’ ability to adapt and be

                                                                                         resilient now and in future.

                                                                                         These investments help reduce hundreds of

                                                                                         tonnes of carbon emissions each year. For

                                                                                         example, our projects in Senegal save 268 tonnes

                                                                                         of GHG emissions each year and will save over

                                                                                         2,600 tonnes of CO e over a decade.

                                                                                                                                                                Tree planting at our site in Senegal
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