Page 12 - Infinity Power Report
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Infinity Power 2023 Sustainability Report 12
Looking after
our people
Prioritising health and safety On site, managers deliver regular Toolbox Talks Our workforce
which cover a wide range of safety topics such as
Working in the energy sector Building and operating our renewable energy
bushfire prevention, driving safety and personal
requires us to apply the most protective equipment. In 2023, we delivered 875 plants is skilled work, and we need a workforce
that can deliver to the highest standards.
rigorous health and safety practices. hours of Toolbox Talks to our staff and contractors.
This is particularly important as
Wherever possible, we recruit people from within
we are working in multi-national In 2023 we recorded one lost time incident at our
the communities where our plants are located,
Pedrekraal East site in South Africa. An employee
environments across a range of
providing jobs and driving economic benefits in
in our biodiversity monitoring team suffered a
regulatory frameworks. the local area.
minor knee injury after slipping on loose rock
while surveying an area around the turbines. They
Road accidents are one of the biggest risks in the If we are unable to source specific skills or
received medical support and have subsequently
countries where we operate, and we also must resources locally, we form partnerships with trusted
returned to work fully recovered.
navigate risks such as working with electricity and
suppliers and contractors to bridge the gaps. We
working at heights. seek to work with contractors and equipment
Across all sites, our lost time incident rate was 0.21
manufacturers that share our values and who
per 200,00 hours worked in 2023. Our reportable
By ensuring that we apply the same high standards work to the standards we outline in in our company
incident rate was 0.43 per 200,000 hours worked.
across our projects, regardless of location and asset environmental and social policies.
We will continue to closely monitor this data as we
type, we can ensure the welfare and safety of every
expand our operations into new markets where
person working with us. Our approach is governed We have a comprehensive training programme
we may face new challenges.
by our Health, Safety and Environment (HSE)
that upskills our people on evolving operational best
Strategy, and is overseen by the Audit, Finance,
practices, a range of health and safety topics, as
Risk and ESG Committee. We continuously assess
well as our company policies and code of conduct.
and manage risks with a robust health and safety Lost time incidents 0.21
per 200,000 hours worked (LTIR)
management system in place across our sites.
Reportable Incidents 0.43
We prepare for potential incidents and emergencies, per 200,000 hours worked (RIR)
design training protocols and actively work to
Hours of safety Toolbox Talks delivered 875
improve performance.
to our employees and contractors WORKERS ON OUR OPERATIONAL