Page 23 - Infinity Power Report
P. 23

Infinity Power     2023 Sustainability Report                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    23

                 Building Africa’s renewable

                 energy workforce

                 Employing local people                                                                                                                         Procuring locally

                 Achieving equitable and sustainable economic                                                                                                   By working with local suppliers wherever possible,
                 growth in Africa requires an increase in long term                                                                                             we can boost local economic activity and

                 employment. As we build our wind and solar                                                                                                     reduce our supply chain footprint. We run several

                 power plants, there are significant opportunities to                                                                                           programmes for local businesses to help them

                 provide secure, well-paying jobs for local people.                                                                                             professionalise and grow, which include topics

                 From the building roles at the construction stage, to                                                                                          like finance, accounting, and good governance.

                 the operational jobs in maintenance and security,                           INSPIRING THE NEXT GENERATION                                      In some cases, this has led to us contracting

                 right through to the advanced engineering roles,                            OF RENEWABLE ENERGY ENGINEERS                                      businesses that have competed the programme,

                 there are opportunities at all levels. By prioritising                                                                                         as was the case with an air conditioning servicing
                                                                                             A thriving renewable energy workforce
                 local and skilled national workers and suppliers, we                                                                                           company in the town of Ceres which now provides
                                                                                             needs a pipeline of young people inspired
                 can increase the positive socio-economic impacts                                                                                               services to our Perdekraal East site in South Africa.
                                                                                             to pursue a career in green energy and
                 of our operations.                                                                                                                             We also run a very successful programme to help
                                                                                             technology. Every year we run a free
                                                                                                                                                                women set up their own monitoring and evaluation
                                                                                             programme in schools around Egypt
                 We invest in skills and training programmes to                                                                                                 businesses, which go on to provide services to us -
                                                                                             to get young students excited about
                 increase community participation and ensure                                                                                                    read more on page 30.
                                                                                             different renewable technologies and their
                 that we are building future capacity to service the
                                                                                             importance for a more sustainable future.
                 growth of the renewables industry as we expand
                 our operations across Africa. This year, around
                                                                                             In 2023 our Infinity Future Energy Leaders
                 44% of our operational workforce were employed
                                                                                             Programme was held in schools around
                 from the local community, and over 95% of our
                                                                                             Egypt. The two-day practical course
                 staff are nationals of the project country.
                                                                                             includes a visit to one of our solar parks,

                                                                                             so students meet solar engineers and get

                                                                                             real-life experience of what it’s like to work
                                                                                             on site, and how the solar technology works

                                                                                             in practice. So far, we’ve reached around

                                                                                             1,000 students across Egypt, and we plan to

                 OF OUR OPERATIONAL WORKFORCE WERE                                           reach many more in the coming years.
                                                                                                                                                                Our supplier development programme in South Africa
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