Page 24 - Infinity Power Report
P. 24

Infinity Power     2023 Sustainability Report                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   24

                 Engaging and consulting

                 with communities

                 We recognise how important it is to                                     Responding to                                                           OUR PERFORMANCE                                           2023

                 have the support and cooperation                                        community feedback                                                      Serious Community Grievances*                                 0

                 of the communities where we build
                                                                                         We take all feedback seriously, and we aim
                 our renewable energy projects. It is                                    to respond quickly whenever stakeholders                                Minor Community Grievances                                    3

                 this which gives us our social license                                  raise issues or concerns. We use a grievance
                                                                                                                                                                *Serious grievances are defined as significant and/or escalating complaints,
                                                                                                                                                                minor grievances are defined as small, easily resolved complaints
                 to operate and enables us to unlock                                     management system for each of our projects to

                 the shared value that can be created                                    ensure we accurately monitor and respond to any
                                                                                         issues in a timely manner. We inform communities
                 from these projects.
                                                                                         about the feedback process and grievance

                                                                                         mechanism from the outset of every project and
                 This is why consultation and engagement are
                                                                                         monitor the database for any serious or ongoing
                 key activities at every stage of the process. We
                                                                                         issues which are then considered by the senior
                 provide an inclusive platform at each project for
                                                                                         management team at Audit, Finance, Risk and
                 stakeholders in our wider communities to come
                                                                                         ESG committee meetings.
                 together and discuss, formulating ideas which

                 are then included in our objectives, values and
                                                                                         In 2023, we achieved our target of zero serious
                 impact strategy.
                                                                                         community grievances. We recorded three

                                                                                         minor grievances, on topics such as project
                 At the start of each project, we assign a
                                                                                         procurement paperwork and community
                 dedicated community liaison officer to work
                                                                                         investment activities. Some of the community
                 with communities and their representatives.
                                                                                         around our Perdekraal East Wind Farm in South
                 We also work to ensure that the voices of
                                                                                         Africa raised a concern about red blinking
                 marginalised and underrepresented groups
                                                                                         aviation lights being visible at night. In response
                 are heard, including women’s groups and youth                                                                                                  Community engagement in Sengal at our site in
                                                                                         we are trialling aluminium shrouds that partially
                 organisations. In 2023, we continued quarterly                                                                                                 Taiba N’Diaye
                                                                                         reduce the visibility of the lights. We resolved 100%
                 newsletters for our project communities in South
                                                                                         of minor grievances within 30 days.
                 Africa to update community members on project

                 developments, which are posted on community
                 notice boards.
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