Page 26 - Infinity Power Report
P. 26

Infinity Power     2023 Sustainability Report                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   26

                 Investing in


                 Our utility-scale energy plants have
                                                                                            OUR COMMUNITY
                 the potential to transform the areas                                                                                           1.                         2.                         3.
                                                                                            INVESTMENT THEMES
                 where they are located.                                                                                                        ENVIRONMENT,               EMPLOYMENT                 EDUCATION
                                                                                            Based on consultation with                          ENERGY AND                 AND                        AND SKILLS

                                                                                            our project communities, our                        CLIMATE                    ENTERPRISE
                 That’s why we commit to investing a percentage                                                                                 CHANGE
                                                                                            investment strategy has three focus
                 of our revenue back into community projects
                                                                                            areas, and a cross-cutting theme
                 around our sites. In this way, we can maximise the
                                                                                            of women’s empowerment. All the
                 positive impacts, and ensure local people share in
                                                                                            projects we invest in are designed                                     WOMENS’ EMPOWERMENT
                 the benefits of our work.
                                                                                            to meet at least one of these aims.

                 Our solar and wind farms are often located

                 in areas which face development challenges
                                                                                            OUR COMMUNITY INVESTMENTS (2023)
                 including lacking infrastructure, low levels of
                 formal education, few opportunities for skilled                                                            Employment and enterprise:

                 employment and insufficient healthcare, and the
                                                                                                                            Education and skills:
                 projects we invest in aim to directly address these                                                                                            COMMUNITY PROJECTS SUPPORTED
                                                                                                                              Energy and
                                                                                                                          environmental initiatives  :
                 In 2023 we invested $3 million, supporting 180

                 initiatives across Africa, through which we had
                 over 80,000 participants.                                                  OUR COMMUNITY INVESTMENTS (2023)

                                                                                                                                                                PARTICIPANTS IN COMMUNITY INITIATIVES
                                                                                                                            Female participants:
                 Our approach is guided by national and local
                 regulatory requirements, and involves extensive
                                                                                                                            Male participants:
                 and ongoing consultation with community                                                                  47.5%

                 representatives, to ensure we are investing in the                                                         Total participants:
                 most relevant issues.
                                                                                                                                                                JOBS SUPPORTED FOR LOCAL PEOPLE
                                                                                                                                                                THROUGH COMMUNITY INVESTMENT
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