Page 31 - Infinity Power Report
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Infinity Power     2023 Sustainability Report                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    12 31 31

                 Improving opportunities for                                                                                                                    Female representation at                                                         “Infinity Power provided me

                 women in the renewables industry                                                                                                               Infinity Power                                                                   with everything I needed to

                 Latest figures show that globally, women comprise                                                                                              Our overall workforce comprises 30% women,                                       feel safe and comfortable,

                 just 29.2% of the STEM workforce, compared to                                                                                                  with women holding 31% of our middle and senior                                  and I learned so much from

                 nearly half of non-STEM occupations. The renewable                                                                                             management roles. There is currently only one
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 everyone around me”
                 energy sector is no exception, and at Infinity Power                                                                                           woman on our Board of Directors, an issue we are

                 one third of our operational workforce are women.                                                                                              aiming to address in 2024.                                                       —  SALMA MAHER, OPERATION
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     MAINTENANCE ENGINEER
                 In a male dominated industry, women face barriers
                 to advancing their careers, an issue we are tackling

                 head on.
                                                                                                                                                                    OPERATIONAL ROLES (2023)

                 In 2022, we started the Infinity Women in

                 Renewable Energy committee, known as I-WIRE.                                                                                                                                     32%
                 This aims to identify the barriers that prevent
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Industry average:

                 women’s participation in the sector, and work
                 to overcome them. This has included raising

                 awareness of the discrimination women may face

                 throughout their career and promoting policies
                 and practices to prevent this.                                          “ As a woman in a technical role,                                          SENIOR AND MIDDLE MANAGEMENT (2023)

                                                                                          it’s important to remember

                 We are forming partnerships with schools and                                                                                                                                       IPH:
                                                                                          that you’re there because you
                 universities all over Egypt to encourage girls and
                                                                                          deserve to be there. Take up
                 young women to consider careers in renewable                                                                                                                                       Industry average:
                                                                                          the space, ask the questions,
                 energy. We have run successful social media

                 campaigns featuring images and stories of our                            and believe in yourself. My

                 female engineers to improve representation,                              manager really empowered me

                 challenge stereotypes and raise internal and
                                                                                          and ensured I had the space to                                            WORKFORCE (2023)
                 external awareness of these issues, and setting
                                                                                          contribute in male-dominated
                 out how we want it to change. Our I-WIRE

                 programme won the best social and employee                               meetings, supporting me to get                                                                            IPH:
                 upskilling project in the MENA region in the HSBC                        to where I am today”
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Industry average:
                 Living Business competition last year.                                                                                                                                          22%
                                                                                         —  MIRNA GHALY, BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT
                                                                                            ASSISTANT MANAGER
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