Page 36 - Infinity Power Report
P. 36

Infinity Power     2023 Sustainability Report                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   36

                 Our commitments                                                                                                          This is Infinity Power’s first sustainability report and will be                                                           Our strategy includes longer-term commitments to

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     aspire towards by 2030, supported by shorter-term targets
                                                                                                                                          used to baseline our sustainability performance for the future.
                                                                                                                                          As we look to 2024 and ahead, we commit to tracking our                                                                    to achieve over the next two years.
                 and targets                                                                                                              progress and improvements on this journey.

                   Delivering standards

                   of energy excellence

                   2030 COMMITMENTS                                         •  Achieve zero harm across the entire group’s operational assets (no LTIs)

                                                                            •  Achieve compliance with project social action plans and avoid any serious employee grievances

                   MATERIAL ISSUE                                            2024 – 2025 TARGETS                                                                                                                                                           BASELINE PERFORMANCE IN 2023

                   Health, safety and security                              •  No LTIs on operational sites for the next two consecutive years                                                                                                             •  One LTI in 2023

                                                                            •  Achieve a total reportable incident rate (RIR) of 0.8 to significantly outperform current                                                                                   •  RIR of 0.43 across the portfolio

                                                                               Occupational Safety and Health Administration benchmarks for our industry

                                                                            •  Establish an annual Health, Safety, Security and Environmental Forum                                                                                                        •  Planned for implementation 2024-2025

                   Contractor partnerships                                  •  No serious employee grievances and 100% of minor grievances resolved within 30 days                                                                                         •  Achieved

                                                                            •  Establish an integrated, portfolio-wide vocational training programme with a 40% target for                                                                                 •  Planned for implementation 2024-2025

                                                                               female participation

                                                                            •  No material labour and working condition non-compliances flagged during project construction                                                                                •  No labour and working condition non-compliances flagged on

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Infinity Power construction sites
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