Page 37 - Infinity Power Report
P. 37

Infinity Power     2023 Sustainability Report                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    37

                   Protecting the

                   natural environment

                   2030 COMMITMENTS                                         •  Achieve a 35% reduction in operational carbon emissions intensity based on our 2022 baseline

                                                                            •  Commission all projects from 2030 achieving no net loss to biodiversity as defined by IFC Performance Standard 6,

                                                                               while seeking to deliver net gains to biodiversity across the portfolio

                                                                            •  Replant more than double the trees removed during project construction

                   MATERIAL ISSUE                                            2024 – 2025 TARGETS                                                                                                                                                           BASELINE PERFORMANCE IN 2023

                   Climate change mitigation                                •  Continue annual carbon emissions assessments and quantify the climate benefits (avoided                                                                                     •  Baseline emissions assessment for the group completed for 2022.

                   and adaptation                                              emissions) of Infinity Power’s environmental focused community investments                                                                                                     Combined carbon footprint of Infinity Power’s assets was 8,267

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              tonnes of CO e in 2022. Another assessment planned in 2024
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              looking at 2023 emissions.

                                                                            •  Undertake climate resiliency assessments for new community projects in each of our countries                                                                                •  Climate resiliency framework in place for community investment

                                                                               of operation                                                                                                                                                                   and applied during community investment project planning

                   Environmental compliance                                 •  Zero serious environmental incidents and less than six environmental incidents cumulatively per                                                                             •  Zero serious environmental incidents during 2023 and 11 minor

                                                                               project over two years                                                                                                                                                         incidents across the portfolio

                   Lifecycle environmental                                  •  Improve data quality for operational water use per kWh generated across the portfolio and                                                                                   •  0.95 litres of water used per MWh generated across the portfolio.

                   impacts                                                     evaluate ways in which this can be managed sustainably                                                                                                                         Water reduction initiatives to be investigated

                                                                            •  Improve data quality for operational waste per kWh generated across the portfolio and evaluate                                                                              •  20.4kg  of waste produced per GWh generated across the portfolio.

                                                                               ways in which this can be managed sustainably                                                                                                                                  Waste reduction initiatives to be investigated

                   Biodiversity and                                         •  Establish a portfolio-wide protocol for due diligence and sustainable management on biodiversity                                                                            •  Planned for implementation 2024-2025

                   ecological impacts                                          related issues

                                                                            •  Support the training of a further cohort of bird observers and shut down on demand operators                                                                                •  Planned for implementation 2024-2025

                                                                               through the Gulf of Suez Centre of Excellence in Egypt
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