Page 39 - Infinity Power Report
P. 39

Infinity Power     2023 Sustainability Report                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   39


                   with integrity

                   2030 COMMITMENTS                                         •  Establish a group-level Sustainability Committee that provides a stand-alone forum to advise the Board on ESG matters and monitor sustainability risks and

                                                                               opportunities on a quarterly basis, with employees empowered to improve ESG performance against relevant ESG metrics.

                                                                            •  Establish links between Infinity Power’s sustainability strategy, material areas, and impact on the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

                   MATERIAL ISSUE                                            2024 – 2025 TARGETS                                                                                                                                                           BASELINE PERFORMANCE IN 2023

                   Business ethics, fraud and                               •  Undertake third-party audits and verification                                                                                                                               •  During 2023 governance processes, audits and verification

                   corruption and managing                                                                                                                                                                                                                    focused on the acquisition of Lekela Power by Infinity Power rather

                   socio-economic political                                                                                                                                                                                                                   than specific governance practices

                                                                            •  Create working groups with regional input to support formalised anti-bribery and anti-corruption                                                                            •  ABAC risk assessments were in place for 2023, and these will be

                                                                               (ABAC) risk assessments, performance monitoring, review and reporting                                                                                                          enhanced in future

                                                                            •  Continue to embed Infinity Power’s values across company policies and procedures, including the                                                                             •  Infinity Power’s values were defined during 2023 through

                                                                               Code of Conduct with a particular focus on the value of integrity                                                                                                              employee engagement and the company code of conduct is in


                   Human rights and                                         •  Undertake engagement across the business to give all employees the opportunity to learn about                                                                               •  In 2023 Infinity Power published its first transparency statement

                   supply chain                                                modern slavery and human rights risks associated with our work                                                                                                                 under the Modern Slavery Act, with next steps to improve

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              engagement and understanding for employees across the


                                                                            •  Ensure any first-tier suppliers considered for appointment by Infinity Power complete the Slavery                                                                           •  No EPC contractors or original equipment manufacturer (OEM)

                   These targets are closely linked to our contractor
                   partnerships material issue (see page 36)                   and Trafficking Risk Template (STRT) as part of our procurement process                                                                                                        suppliers were appointed by the group during 2023
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