Page 38 - Infinity Power Report
P. 38

Infinity Power     2023 Sustainability Report                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   38

                   Leading the just

                   energy transition

                   2030 COMMITMENTS                                         •  Allocate at least $4 million towards community initiatives across the portfolio, with all community initiatives covered by independent monitoring and evaluation

                                                                            •  Maintain a local community workforce of at least 40% and a national workforce of at least 90% for our operating plants

                                                                            •  Achieve compliance with project social action plans and avoid any serious community grievances

                   MATERIAL ISSUE                                            2024 – 2025 TARGETS                                                                                                                                                           BASELINE PERFORMANCE IN 2023

                   Labour management                                        •  No serious grievances from our employees and resolve 100% of grievances within 30 days for                                                                                  •  No serious employee grievances and 100% of grievances

                                                                               two consecutive years                                                                                                                                                          resolved within 30 days

                   Community investment                                     •  Establish initiatives in each country of our operations focusing on both the environment and                                                                                •  Environmental and energy initiatives established in both South

                                                                               energy                                                                                                                                                                         Africa and Senegal but not Egypt

                                                                            •  Support at least 350 jobs and sponsor at least 50 educational bursaries through our community                                                                               •  334 jobs supported and 36 bursaries sponsored during 2023

                                                                               investment programme

                   Local job creation and                                   •  Achieve 40% employment of local community members at our operational sites                                                                                                  •  44% of our operational workforce employed from communities

                   renewable energy                                                                                                                                                                                                                           near our projects

                   capacity building

                   Diversity and inclusion                                  •  Achieve an average of 50% participation of women and girls across all community investment                                                                                  •  52.5% women and girls participation

                   (including gender)                                          initiatives in the portfolio

                   Community engagement                                     •  Receive less than 25 grievances in total across two years, resolving 100% within 30 days                                                                                    •  Three community grievances and all resolved within 30 days

                   Responsible land use/access                              •  Follow up our Livelihood Restoration Plan at Taiba N’Diaye in Senegal with a community-wide                                                                                 •  Irrigation programme under implementation, with 25

                                                                               irrigation programme to further enhance revenue streams for farmers in the area                                                                                                solar-powered boreholes added in 2023
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