Page 33 - Infinity Power Report
P. 33

Infinity Power     2023 Sustainability Report                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    33

                 Leading with


                 We recognise that we’re operating in a                                  Members of the committee were appointed at
                                                                                         the end of 2023 and going forward, ESG topics will                           RACIAL DIVERSITY IN LEADERSHIP
                 region where there are some inherent
                                                                                         be monitored at each of our sites, with country-
                 socio-economic and political risks.                                                                                                                  Our commitment to inclusion comes
                                                                                         level E&S managers reporting to the relevant
                                                                                                                                                                      from the top, with 55% of our Board
                                                                                                                                                                      members from Africa and the Middle
                 Across our geographies of operation there are
                                                                                                                                                                      East, including two from UAE and four
                 areas of weak governance and regulations,
                                                                                         The Audit, Finance, Risk and ESG committee’s
                                                                                                                                                                      from Egypt.
                 with ongoing challenges such as bribery and
                                                                                         focus areas include:
                 corruption risks. It is incredibly important to our
                                                                                         •  Internal and external audit
                                                                                                                                                                      We are aware, however, that there
                 leadership team that we lead with integrity and
                                                                                         •  Corporate finance and accounting                                          is room for improvement on gender
                 have strong ethics embedded in how we operate.
                                                                                         •  Risk management, including ESG risks                                      diversity and we will work towards greater

                                                                                         •  Health, safety and the environment                                        female representation across Infinity
                 During 2023, we have focused on establishing
                                                                                         •  Community relations, investment and                                       Power’s Board and senior leadership
                 robust governance structures as the foundation
                                                                                            development                                                               teams. Read more about gender diversity
                 of our ethical approach. The Infinity Power
                 Board holds ultimate responsibility for company                         •  Business integrity                                                        and how we empower women here.

                 strategy, policies, risk appetite and ethics. The

                 Board leads our zero-tolerance attitude to
                                                                                                   OUR GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE
                 unethical behaviour and holds our partners and

                 suppliers to the same standard.
                                                                                                                Board of Directors

                 Committees of the Infinity Power Board review
                                                                                            Audit, Finance,
                 and provide recommendations to the Board on                                 Risk and ESG         Remuneration           Investment
                                                                                                                   committee             committee
                 remuneration and investment opportunities. The
                 Audit, Finance, Risk and ESG committee oversees
                 Infinity Power’s ESG topics and impacts. While                             E&S Managers

                 the Board holds ultimate accountability and

                 ownership of ESG impacts, the Audit, Finance, Risk                           Site-level
                                                                                            EHS Managers
                 and ESG Committee provide specialist insight on

                 risks, performance and impacts.
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