Page 34 - Infinity Power Report
P. 34

Infinity Power     2023 Sustainability Report                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   34

                 Creating an ethical

                 business culture

                 Managing socio-economic and                                                                                                                    Our Speak Up helpline is independently operated                         Managing bribery and

                 political risks requires everyone at                                         THE INFINITY POWER ETHICS TOOLKIT                                 by a third party, is available 24/7 and free for                        corruption risks
                                                                                              INCLUDES:                                                         anyone to call and report a concern, including
                 Infinity Power to remain vigilant and                                                                                                                                                                                  The location, industry and scale of our operations
                                                                                              •  Infinity Power Code of Conduct                                 our contractors, partners, suppliers and others.
                 to do their part to identify and                                                                                                                                                                                       brings potential bribery and corruption risks. We
                                                                                              •  Anti-Bribery and Corruption (ABAC)                             We also have additional grievance mechanisms
                 respond to potential ethics issues.                                                                                                                                                                                    have a strong approach to mitigate and manage
                                                                                                  Policy                                                        in place for anyone from the local community
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        these risks and a zero-tolerance position on
                                                                                                                                                                around our sites to raise a concern. There were no
                                                                                              •  Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Policy
                 Our ethical business culture is guided by a robust                                                                                             ethics breaches reported for investigation in 2023.                     bribery and any form of corruption. This is set
                                                                                              •  Counterparty Screening Procedures
                 set of standards and policies, which ensures                                                                                                                                                                           out clearly in our Anti-Bribery and Corruption
                                                                                              •  Group Speak Up Policy
                 everyone at Infinity Power knows what is expected                                                                                              While there were no calls to our Speak Up helpline                      (ABAC) policy. Our policy goes beyond minimum

                 of them in acting with integrity. We go beyond                                                                                                 in 2023, we have a clear process in place to                            requirements and local laws and is modelled on
                 minimum and legal requirements and look to                                                                                                     investigate any whistleblowing reports. Any                             the strict standards in the UK Bribery Act.

                 international best practice frameworks to inform                        We are rolling out the new ethics toolkit this coming                  reports to the helpline are investigated by our

                 our standards. This includes the UN Guiding                             year, with a full training programme planned for                       legal team and any serious ethics breach would                          Every Infinity Power employee receives mandatory

                 Principles on Business and Human Rights, the IFC                        2024, led by our legal and compliance team. Every                      be reviewed by an investigation committee                               training on the policy during onboarding, and

                 Performance Standards, the International Labour                         new joiner receives training on the code of conduct                    and escalated up to Board level for appropriate                         receives periodic refresher training. Those in

                 Organization (ILO) Core Conventions, and the                            and supporting polices, with a programme of                            response and disciplinary action.                                       particularly relevant roles such as in our legal

                 Universal Declaration of Human Rights.                                  annual refresher training for existing employees.                                                                                              team, receive additional training.

                                                                                         We are investing in an online training portal to

                 We have brought together the best policies and                          improve our training and employee engagement                                                                                                   Our ABAC approach and policy is also
                 standards from our founding companies to create                         processes in 2024.                                                                                                                             communicated to all contractors, partners and

                 a robust approach at Infinity Power. Our ethics                                                                                                                                                                        suppliers. With external associates, we carry

                 framework includes our group code of conduct,                           Our employees are encouraged to raise questions                                                                                                out an additional risk-based due diligence,

                 with supporting policies on anti-bribery and                            and discuss any concerns on specific situations                                                                                                which may include assessment by external risk

                 corruption, anti-money laundering, screening                            with our legal and compliance team. Areas                                                                                                      consultants, to help identify risks of corruption or

                 counterparties, and our whistleblowing (speak up)                       of particular risk in our operating context and                                                                                                political exposure. We also include contractual

                 policy. In 2023 we developed a group Ethics Toolkit                     industry include facilitation payments, gifts and                                                                                              protections in our counterparty agreements, as a
                 that brings together all our policies into one easy-                    hospitality, and risks arising from working with                                                                                               standard practice.

                 to-read document for staff, with worked examples                        other businesses.

                 that bring the policies to life.
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